Tuesday, January 28, 2014

2013 Work by LadyPenny

I had a great time building my portfolio with people like rising star photographers Herman Van den Brandt and Aris Jerome. Working with creative genius Larayia Gaston has been cosmic.  Below are photos from a project with Laryaia.    




This is only the beginning. Working on 2014 images now.  Next post will be about my Shun Melson experience from her Fashun 101 class. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Well....The dead has arisen! Where have I been?

I've been on sabbatical, taking time to find my center. Pushing forward my goals revolve around leaving behind a legacy expressed through art, with fashion and styling being the current focus.  By design I am a teacher, which explains my position as a high school social studies teacher.  I enjoy working with young people, they haven't lost their passion for life.  A realization hit, neither have I.  My passions have only been fueled from the loss of my mother along with my hunger for showcasing the creativity that lies within me.  So here I go... My goals

Ultimate Goal:
Fulfill this life's purpose of spreading wisdom, love, and beauty by using creativity as my medium.

Short Term Goals:
1. Intern Under a Fashion Guru
2. Relocate
3. Work for or with DONDA

Top Three Fashion Gurus 
I would love to work under

                                                                          Shun Melson

Ty Hunter 

June Ambrose 

Top Three Relocation Spots

Los Angeles 

New York 


DONDA Dream 

DONDA is a design company with a mission to aesthetically and socially redesign society's infrastructure. Working for DONDA will fulfill my ultimate goal of spreading love, style, and luxury.  

My next post will be of what I have worked on and what I am working on next... 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

DIY: Ripped Jeans

I'm headed to NYC this week, expected weather on my arrival day: High of 93 with thunderstorms☀⚡☁. Great, a fashion challenge, my answer: ripped jeans or VENTage jeans. I will have the necessary cover for the rain but ventilation for the heat...lol

a. Blade or Scissors
b. Heel Scrubber or Pet Egg

1. Used razor to create jagged slices
2. Use a photo of ripped jeans that you like as a reference. This will aid you in placement of the cuts. 3. Use the heel scrubber on the tears to create the damaged/worn look.


Experiment with an old pair and good luck!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Progress Report

Lighting weights is for sure a game changer... My whole body hurts, I make a strange grimanicing noise just to sit down. Nonetheless, it is and will be worth it when my 40-45 inch rump reappears.  Here are a few pictures of the exercises that I've done:
Smith Machine

Glute Press Machine

These exercises target the three butt muscles

  I do not want a muscle butt, so my challenge is to find a balance of acceptable fat to muscle ratio.

This week's motivation

It takes 6 weeks to get good results, hang in there with me and I'll keep the updates coming!
In the mean time here is a video link that shows an intense workout for those glutes:

Monday, July 16, 2012

Get your foundation right and the rest will flow...

WE have to do better!!

Ladies having shapewear is very important. The number one benefit of shapewear is the confidence that it brings.   Outfits are enhanced when all your curves are smoothed out in the right places. 

The ladies that are admired for their beautiful curves definetly use shapewear.

Sites to visit to get your game up!

1. World’s Greatest Dress Your Body Tricks- this slideshow goes into further detail on the secrets of a proper foundation for every outfit. 

2. Spanx online has a large collection of body shapers and more like swim wear 

3. Target provides Assets body shapers (Spanx's more afforable line)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm getting my butt back!

Today begins my mission to build up my ass using weights and the right food. After doing my research, here is my plan:
  • Increase caloric and protein intake- juicing vegetables and fruit; eating lots of lean turkey, chicken, and fish. I must eat at least 2500-3000 calories a day
  • Hit the gym 4-5days/week
  • Exercises: squats(a ridiculous amount of squats), leg extensions, pull ups, etc. I'll provide more specifics in the months to come.
According to my husband this won't work...but I'm stubborn and my logic is if he can build up his chest, I can build up my ass!

My Motivation: She did it

My Present Booty Status: It needs a little umph

My Goal

Sunday, July 8, 2012

I miss my ass too, Rhi!

Lady Rihanna a queen after my own ❤ she misses her butt!!!  "I don’t know if there’s something going on with my body right now, but I’m eating everything in life! I miss my ass. It just went away! I need a butt. I have an idea of one, but it’s not living up to its full potential right now.”  Sometimes the stresses of life can cause one to lose things you never thought would go however you still have to illuminate through it all. Rihanna did especially that in her August Harpers Bazaar spread.