Saturday, July 21, 2012

Progress Report

Lighting weights is for sure a game changer... My whole body hurts, I make a strange grimanicing noise just to sit down. Nonetheless, it is and will be worth it when my 40-45 inch rump reappears.  Here are a few pictures of the exercises that I've done:
Smith Machine

Glute Press Machine

These exercises target the three butt muscles

  I do not want a muscle butt, so my challenge is to find a balance of acceptable fat to muscle ratio.

This week's motivation

It takes 6 weeks to get good results, hang in there with me and I'll keep the updates coming!
In the mean time here is a video link that shows an intense workout for those glutes:

1 comment:

  1. And don't forget sit back into it and squeeze at the top!
    Keep up the good work!
